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Southeastern Ballet School

Policies, Protocols, and Procedures


Illness Policy:

Please keep your child home if you see any sign of illness, such as, fever (99.9 or higher without fever-reducing medicine), shortness of breath, cough, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, vomiting, sore throat, new loss of taste or smell. Please call your healthcare provider and stay at home and away from others as much as possible. If your child is quarantined from school, please keep them home. Students can still participate in classes through Zoom.


Drop Off/Pick Up Policy:

Only SBS students and faculty will be permitted in the building.

Parents will drop off and pick up students in the front of SBS. Students placed in Creative Movement through Level III of the Open Division will need a parent/guardian to escort their dancer to and from the front door of SBS. Please arrive 5 minutes prior to the start of class and pick up on time.

Dressing rooms will be open.

All students will be required to keep their cell phones/smart watches in the dressing room. Students will need permission to bring their cell phones/smart watches into the dance studio.


Dress Code:

All students should always wear street clothing over their ballet clothing when going to and from class. BALLET SLIPPERS MUST NEVER BE WORN OUTDOORS! Doing so will not only ruin the footwear, but it also tracks dirt into the studio which can damage the marley floors and be a danger to students. ALL DRESS CODES ARE MANDATORY at every level of instruction. For information on the exact dress code for each class, please contact Grit & Grace Studio to Streetwear at 678-552-9798. Out of our immense respect for the art of Ballet, and in the best traditions of Classical Ballet, we are dedicated to achieving a clean, uniformed appearance for all of our students in each class. Please assist us in attaining a professional level of schooling by purchasing leotards, tights, skirts and dance shoes that match our dress code requirements. Hair must also be worn in the appropriate style and no jewelry, with the exception of small stud earrings, will be permitted in class. 



In order to achieve the best results, students are required to attend all classes and other sessions to which they may be assigned. In order to minimize absences, parents are asked to take into consideration all class times and dates when scheduling any appointments, planning family vacations, etc. Please be sure to notify the school office in order to excuse a student from class. Leave a message if necessary. Regular attendance is absolutely vital in making sure a student achieves and maintains his or her mastery of dance technique.


Make-up Classes:

Though we actively encourage students to not miss any classes, missed classes can be made up within one month of the absence. Please make sure that you call the office whenever your child will miss class so the teacher can be informed. Otherwise, the absence will be recorded as “unexcused.” You can schedule a make-up class with our administrator. Please do NOT attend another class to “make-up” a missed session without first contacting the office and scheduling a date.



Excessive tardiness will not be tolerated. Students are required to arrive ON TIME for the start of all classes and alternate sessions. *IN ORDER TO PREVENT INJURY, ANY STUDENT ARRIVING 15 OR MORE MINUTES LATE WILL BE ALLOWED TO OBSERVE CLASS AND WILL BE REQUIRED TO WRITE AN OBSERVATION PAPER DURING CLASS TIME.* Please show respect for both your instructors and your fellow students by arriving on time and prepared to participate in class.

All students are required to be picked up no later than 15 minutes from the end of class time. Parents, please come inside to pick up your student. If you are late, there will be a $30.00 fee due at time of pick up. Southeastern Ballet School is not responsible for your student once classes end.


Class Behavior:

Prior to class, all students should understand the levels of focus, concentration, and self-discipline that will be required to achieve the skill level of dance desired. All students will learn dance technique through observation and the execution of demonstrated steps rather than through discussion. Talking during class is generally discouraged, though the occasional question is welcomed. If a student has a question, they should let the instructor know by raising their hand. This helps us achieve the quickest progression in any given class. Dance technique is based on constant repetition of movement in order to train and strengthen the muscles of the body. Students who are disruptive to the class will be asked to sit out and observe and write an observation paper (this applies to students beginning in Level I) so that others may continue their work uninterrupted. Younger students may be escorted from class and taken to their parents.

Personal Property. Southeastern Ballet School is not responsible for lost, stolen, and damaged items. Any items not claimed by the end of the year will be donated.


Parent Observation:

Parents and other individuals who may be interested in viewing students as they train are invited and encouraged to observe classes during scheduled Parent Observation days. Parents will be notified about observation dates. In an effort to minimize distraction for our students and instructors, we do NOT allow parents to observe classes through doorways or windows on non-observation days. Our primary goal is to enable your child to remain focused on their instruction.

During Parent Observation please abide by the following rules and regulations:

• Please arrive ON TIME for the start of class and remain seated until the session is over. Please do not enter or exit the studio once class has begun.

•  Turn off cell phones, pagers, and all other portable electronic devices.

•  Please refrain from talking during class to both students and other observers.

•  No food or drink is allowed in the dance studios.

• Observation days are intended for parents, relatives, and older siblings who are able to adequately understand and observe all classroom etiquette. If young children are to attend, please note that it is often very difficult for them to sit quietly for the duration of the class. Out of consideration for others, please do not bring toys or any other distractions into the classroom. Any child who is being loud and/or disruptive to the class is expected to be escorted out into the lobby by their parents.

We are confident that any observation days that you attend will allow you to see the progress your child is making in their chosen class with the expert help of our instructors. We sincerely thank you for enabling us to make this an enjoyable and informative experience for all students, parents, and instructors.


Conferences and Questions:

Parents are more than welcome to schedule a conference with one of the Directors of the Southeastern Ballet School. If you wish to do so, please schedule an appointment with our administrator. We request that you do not approach the instructor before or after classes with questions. Please understand that instructors are focusing on their class work and their lesson plans prior to a session. Our administrator may also address your questions or concerns.



Every student enrolled in the Pre-Professional Division of Southeastern Ballet School will receive a written evaluation at the end of the school year. Fall placement will be listed on the evaluation forms.


School Closings:

If classes are cancelled due to inclement weather, Southeastern Ballet School will send out emails and post on Social Media (FB); if nothing is posted classes will resume as normal. Please note that we do not necessarily follow the city, county, or any school district in terms of when we will cancel classes. The Southeastern Ballet School is not responsible for any classes that are cancelled due to extreme weather conditions or any other circumstance that is beyond the control of the Southeastern Ballet School.


Tuition Payments:

Tuition payments are due by the 5th of every month, if not received by the 5th of the month a $30 late fee will be added to your payment. If tuition is not paid by the 10th, the student will not be allowed to participate in classes until tuition is paid. This policy applies to ALL sessions at every level, no exceptions. We do not offer pro-rating or deferment of tuition for late registrants.


Tuition and Refunds:

Tuition paid to the Southeastern Ballet School is non-refundable. School credits will be considered only in extreme cases such as prolonged absence due to a serious physical injury, illness, or any other extreme case.


Payment Options:

We accept tuition payments in the form of: personal check, money order, cash, cashier’s check, and credit card (Visa, Mastercard, and Discover)


Please make checks payable to the Southeastern Ballet School.

• There will be a $30 fee for all returned checks. If a check is returned, another form of payment must be used from that point forward.

• There will be a 3% processing fee for all credit card transactions.

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